Travis Mason
The Travis Mason Foundation raises money to provide therapists for local children and young adults.
Dedicated to the memory of Travis Mason, forever 21.

In 2022, I lost my only child to suicide. He struggled with mental health for several years prior. During that time, we both found the availability of competent help to be difficult or impossible to find. We tried therapists and our local healthcare provider, both had services, neither were helpful, and both were difficult to access. We had insurance and money for care. Imagine what a family without insurance or struggling with money is faced with.
I believe most struggling with mental health would accept help if it wasn't too difficult to access, affordable for them, and competent. The Travis Mason Foundation will improve all 3 challenges. The primary focus will be providing competent therapists at no cost to struggling children and young adults.
100% of contribution will be used to pay for therapists for children and young adults. All administrative and marketing costs will be funded personally by Ensen Mason.

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The 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) found that approximately one third (30.0%) of female high school students and 14.3% of male high school students had seriously considered attempting suicide during the previous 12 months.
YRBS data from 2021 also revealed that over 42% of high school students experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year, and 29% of high school students reported their mental health in the past 30 days was not good most of the time or always.
In 2022, 16 million considered suicide, 2.6 million attempted, 544K ER visits from self harm, 49,476 died, one death every 11 minutes
For every death, there are 11 ER visits for self-harm (1 per minute), 52 suicide attempts (4 per minute)
91% of adults surveyed said they believe suicide can be prevented at least some of the time.
Barriers to care. 25% reported they couldn't afford out-of-pocket costs, 23% lacked confidence in services available in their area, 22% reported lack of insurance prevented care.